Upon arrival to the ticketing counter to check my bag, the airline attendant told me that my passport was not valid for travel to Ecuador, even though it expires in September. Apparently, the Ecuadorian government requires that foreign passports be valid for six months at the arrival date. So even though my passport didn't expire until after my return date, they couldn't check my bag through to Quito and I had to re-book it. This, of course, incurred exorbitant fees and required that I go to the Colorado Passport Agency to get a new expedited passport today. So while I am fortunately still going to South America, the trip is starting off on a very bittersweet note. I am trying to remain positive through this whole process while I attempt to figure out a way to lessen the financial blow my parents I got dealt as a result.
Anyway, now at least I know that "valid" is a relative term in regard to U.S. passports and will be much, much more careful next time in checking whatever policies my country of destination has in place. Today has been exhausting. I meet Moira tomorrow night in Quito around midnight, so here's hoping things go a little more smoothly tomorrow.